Develop your Personal Brand with Me

How do you keep track of what's working and what doesn't?

Good morning friends!

Welcome to Building & Growing, a weekly newsletter for people curious about the future of work, web3, and the creator economy, you can consider subscribing here:

Why I started Building & Growing

Building our personal brand in the world of web3 can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it's totally doable. Building my personal brand is one of the reasons why I started Building & Growing.

If you want to start building your personal brand, start figuring out what unique skills you possessed, your passions, and topics that interests you. Once you have that, you can start creating content around it. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, social media updates, or even a newsletter like mine.

To maximize the impact of your content, it's essential to consistently deliver valuable information to your audience. Equally important is the strategic promotion of your content to those who share an interest in the topics you're writing about.

Another way to build your personal brand is by collaborating with other creators in the ecosystem. This could be by guest-posting on their blogs and social media channels, or by co-creating content together. By doing this, you not only expand your reach, but also position yourself as a thought leader in the space.

So, there you have it - some actionable tips to help you build your personal brand in web3. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint, so keep at it and don't give up.

And if you have any questions or want to share your own experiences, feel free to reach out to me. I have created a form linked here to get to know you a little better, share your thoughts through Tally.

I read EVERY response!

Thread of the week

Here’s something interesting I saw on Twitter today:

As someone who covers topics like career building, I know that personal finance is an important aspect of our lives that we need to pay attention to.

When it comes to our careers, finances play a huge role in our ability to achieve our goals. For example, if we want to pursue a career as a freelancer or solo-entrepreneur.

We need to be able to manage our finances effectively to ensure that we can sustain ourselves during the early stages of our business. And if we're planning to work remotely or build a career in the creator economy, we need to be able to manage our finances in a way that allows us to live the lifestyle we want, while also planning for the future.

That's why I think WOLF_Financial’s thread on 10 myths on personal finance is so important.

It provides some valuable insights into how we can manage our finances effectively, without falling for some of the common misconceptions that we often come across online. Whether you're just starting out in your career, or you’ve have been working for a period of time, there's always something new to learn when it comes to personal finance.

So, my question for you is this: What financial advice have you found most helpful in your career so far? And how have you applied that advice to your own life? Share your thoughts in the comments section, or just reply back to this issue!

Spotlight: The Digital Asset Investor Newsletter

Each week, Richard Patey breaks down the most interesting digital asset news stories and opportunities plus what he's personally buying (or selling). Content sites, domains, newsletters, NFTs and more...

Article of the week - How to Use Notion to Create Your Personal Marketing Playbook

As a content marketer, I understand the importance of staying organised and keeping track of what works and what doesn’t. One tool that has been invaluable to me is my scrapbook. I call it my playbook because it’s where I keep all my marketing strategies, experiments, and ideas.

Just like a playbook in sports, a scrapbook is a collection of your best plays. You know what works and what doesn’t, so you keep track of it. You learn from the past, so you can optimise for the future. In the article below, I will explain how you can build your own playbook.

You can read the article here:

Still reading this issue? Subscribe to my newsletter here:

Fresh news on Web3 - Thoughts on ARB airdrop?

Were you one of the lucky individuals who received ARB? Arbitrum has given away ARB worth $120 million to several DAOs according to news articles and Twitter threads.

Here are some of the names of the organisations receiving the airdrops mentioned in the articles and Twitter content:Treasure DAO, SushiSwap, Dopex, Radiant, Balancer, GMX, Curve, Uniswap, Saddle Finance, Yin Finance, Y2k Finance, PlutusDAO, Vesta Finance, and Hundred Finance.

These organisations are said to use the funds from the airdrops to help improve liquidity, grow the usage of Arbitrum, and it’s ecosystem. What do you think of this? Send your thoughts by replying back to this issue!

If you like to read the full article, click this button.

I am in Bangkok for 2 weeks!

Whenever I need a break, I visit thailand for 2 weeks or longer to meet new founders, and attend exciting events in the city. Do you do this too? I am genuinely curious if anyone else does this.

If you are looking to travel in the next few weeks, you should read this thread that I published when I was in the airport waiting for my flight to Bangkok:

Have any of you tried using during your travels? Yes? No? Well, If you like explore Airalo for yourself, use my link to get discounts on your first purchase on their website or app!

P.s ~ They are available worldwide and really affordable.

Quick Updates

  1. I am still looking for founders to join my interview series. If you are building a startup in web3, Creator Economy, or the future of work, fill up this form.

That's all for this week. DM me on Twitter and let me know what content you'd like to see in the next issue!



or to participate.